As I mentioned in my blog "Getting Started with Skype", it took me awhile to switch to Skype. Actually, the switch is not a complete switch. Not just yet. I prefer to have the security of having something I'm quite familiar with on the sidelines - while I'm still learning the ropes. I guess that's my way of making the transition easier.
Getting out of a comfort zone is like getting out of a so-so relationship. There's nothing wrong with it. But there's also nothing grand. You don't know whether you're coming or going. You feel something is missing. But you're scared to let go, for fear that you won't find something better. Or worse, end up with nothing at all. Yet, everyday you wonder if you're settling for second best.
Do you really want to settle with 'nothing wrong'? Don't you want to know if there's something grand out there for you and you just need to stop wondering and start searching? If you don't venture into the unknown, how will you know? If people never searched for answers, there would have been no discoveries, our world one that never changed from the day it was created.
Can you imagine a world with nothing new? I can't. And I don't want that either. So, much as I like my comfort zones, I bully myself into trying something different.
I didn't have to bully myself to try Skype. My current situation calls for it. And I am quickly discovering that I like it. It serves the same purpose as YM. But it offers something else. If you haven't tried it just yet, check out this video.